Thanks to Angela Sheehan, owner of "Why Not Designs" boutique on East Market Street in the Green Ridge section of Scranton and organizer of Scranton Cash Mob, people are unified in their efforts to shop at and support local businesses. Through the Scranton Cash Mob, a business is announced once or twice a week where people are to gather as a "mob" to spend cash.
The description of the "Scranton Cash Mob" on the facebook page reads:
Let's all work together in keeping our small businesses in NEPA! How about once a week we pick a business to CASH MOB! The business will have notice but the general public will not know who we are MOBbing until it is announced, usually the day before the MOB! How fun does that sound? We pick a place, announce it the day before and then as many people show up as possible at the announced time and spend at least $10! It's happening all over so let's put Scranton on the map! If you spend $10 in just one business that's great! So why not get 20 or 30 people to all spend $10 on the same day! What would that mean to our local, small, struggling, business owner? Get involved and tell your friends!
Click on "Scranton Cash Mob" in the first paragraph above to link to the facebook page where you can stay up-to-date. Then grab your allowance and get shopping locally. Not only are you helping your local economy and neighbors, you also get to meet new people and make new friends - if that's what you're into :-)